Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Wow I can't believe we are just days away from Christmas! Are you ready? I'm almost ready! One more day to get the last few things checked off my list! The kids are foaming at the mouth with excitement and really cannot be contained in any shape or form! It makes me happy to see them so excited! I remember the anticipation of Christmas as a child and I'm so glad my sweet babies have a love for the Christmas season as I do! We have been listening to Christmas music since we got home from China and I'm still loving it! I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Hi Jody, I love these pages! Do you have the Cricut Expression? Well I just bought it for myself and I am so in love with it!! And as good as you are with scrapbooking and stuff you would just love it!!!

The pictures are beautiful. We need to get together, there is alot to catch up on!

The CCAA is out of February 06!!!! We are April 21st!!!

Talk to you soon.
Love , Kristy